Since 09/2011 Holder of the SD Worx chair “Next generation work: creating sustainable careers”. As part of this chair, longitudinal and multi-level research is conducted on the changing nature of work and careers, in close collaboration with the SD Worx knowledge centre, with the aim of leveraging academic knowledge and managerial impact regarding the topics studied.
2018-2021 EOS research project “a stakeholder perspective on sustainable careers”, funded by FWO, together with HEC-UCL and KUL.
2017 Promoter VIONA research project “wijzigingen in jobs, vacatures en vaardigheden (changes in jobs, vacancies and skills)” funded by Department of Work and Social Economy, Flemish Government (15/12/2016-31/12/2017)
2016 Promoter research project “future of jobs in Chemistry, Plastics & Life Sciences”, commissioned by essenscia vlaanderen
2013-2015 Content expert for the European Social Fund network “Careers and AGE (Age, Generations, Experience), a learning network in which 10 European countries were involved