Studie(s) en diploma's
PhD, Master in Sociale & Culturele Antropologie, Master in Psychologie
Huidige functieomschrijving
2022-2023 Uitgever Academic & Scientific Publishers, Brussel
2021-2022 Adviseur onderzoek en Internationale Projecten
Erasmushogeschool Brussel
2019-2020 Postdoctoraal onderzoeker: poorten en drempels voor diversiteitsgroepen in de zorg
LUCAS, KU Leuven
2013-2018 DIVERCITIES-project in samenwerking met 14 buitenlands partners
OASeS, Universiteit Antwerpen
2013 Docent Nederlands voor Anderstaligen
Prime Languages, Madrid
2012 Docent ‘Global media & culture’
Saint Louis University - Madrid
2010-2013 Postgraduate researcher ‘Imag(in)ed Diversity in a small nation’
School of Humanities, University of Southampton
2007-2010 Marie Curie Fellowship – EU FP-7 project ‘The integration of the European Second Generation’
Kadir Has University/Universiteit Amsterdam/INED
2007 Wetenschappelijk medewerker en redacteur ‘Ethische Perspectieven’
Overlegcentrum voor Ethiek, KU Leuven
Relevante Publicaties
Saeys, A., (2024). Mocro Movies in the Netherlands: Embedding the diaspora in a small nation. In: Will Higbee, Transnational Moroccan Cinema, Edinburgh University Press.
Saeys, A. (2021). Multicultural Festivals. Spectacles of Diversity or Spaces of Encounter? Journal of Intercultural Studies, 52 (4), pp. 627-642.
Saeys, A., Neyens, I., Hermans, K., Van Audenhove, C. (2020). Health care professions: opportunities and thresholds for migrant groups. [Zorgberoepen: poorten en drempels voor diversiteitsgroepen.] Leuven: LUCAS, Steunpunt Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Gezin, 178 p.
Saeys, A., Van Puymbroeck N., Albeda, Y, Oosterlynck S., Verschraegen G. (2019). From Multicultural to Diversity Policies. Tracing the Demise of Group Representation in a Local Urban Context. European Urban and Regional Studies 26(3), pp. 239-253.
Saeys A., Vandevoordt, R., Verschraegen, G. (2018). Living together in diversity: qualitative research on the perspectives of refugees [Samenleven in diversiteit: Kwalitatief onderzoek naar de perspectieven van vluchtelingen.] Brussel: Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur, 100 p.
Oosterlynck S., Saeys A., Albeda Y., Van Puymbroeck, N., Verschraegen G. (2017). Divercities: dealing with urban diversity: the case of Antwerp. Antwerp, Centre on Inequality, Poverty, Social Exclusion and the City, University of Antwerp, 164 p.
Saeys A., Oosterlynck S., Verschraegen G., Albeda Y. (2016). Governing Diversity: Fieldwork entrepreneurs. Report Governing Urban Diversity. Antwerp, Centre on Inequality, Poverty, Social Exclusion and the City, University of Antwerp, 2016, 45 p.
Albeda Y., Oosterlynck S., Verschraegen G., Saeys A., Dierckx D. (2015). Governing Diversity: Fieldwork inhabitants. Antwerp, Centre on Inequality, Poverty, Social Exclusion and the City, University of Antwerp, 51 p.
Saeys A., Albeda Y., Oosterlynck S., Verschraegen G., Dierckx D. (2014) Governance arrangements and diversity initiatives in Antwerp, Belgium. Centre on Inequality, Poverty, Social Exclusion and the City, University of Antwerp, 31 p.
Saeys A., Albeda Y., Van Puymbroeck N., Oosterlynck S., Verschraegen G., Dierckx D. (2014). Urban policies on diversity in Antwerp, Belgium. Centre on Inequality, Poverty, Social Exclusion and the City, University of Antwerp, 36 p.
Saeys, A. (2013). Imag(in)ed Diversity. Migration in European Cinema. In. B. Goss & C. Chavez (2013). Beyond Tradition and McWorld Neoliberalism. Investigations of Identity in the Early 21st Century. Cambridge Scholars Publishers, pp. 27-37.
Saeys, A. (2013). Turkish German Cinema in the New Millenium. Sites, Sounds, and Screens. Book review. Transnational Cinemas 4(1), pp. 131-133.
Saeys, A. (2013). De-Westernizing Film Studies. Book review. Film International 11(1), pp. 88- 99.
C.V. Arne Saeys
Saeys, A., Van Puymbroeck N., Albeda, Y, Oosterlynck S., Verschraegen G. (2019). From Multicultural to Diversity Policies. Tracing the Demise of Group Representation in a Local Urban Context. European Urban and Regional Studies 26(3), pp. 239-253.
C.V. Arne Saeys Saeys, A. (2012). European Cinema in Motion. Migrant and Diasporic Film in Contemporary
Europe. Book review. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 38 (8), pp. 1329-1331.
Saeys, A. (2012). De la banlieue stigmatisée à la cite démystifiée. La représentation de la banlieue des grands ensembles dans le cinéma français de 1981 à 2005. Modern & Contemporary France 20 (2), pp. 282-284.
Saeys, A. (2009). Imag(in)ing the Global City. In: The New Urban Question- Urbanism beyond Neo-Liberalism Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism, Amsterdam/Delft, pp. 345-354.
Saeys, A. (2008). The School of Dakar. Psychiatry and spiritual healing in Africa. [De school van Dakar. Psychiatrie en spirituele geneeswijzen in Afrika.] Cultuur, migratie en gezondheid, 3 (3), pp. 132-143.
Relevante onderzoeken
Divercities-project: stedelijke diversiteit in Antwerpen
Project over vluchtelingen in Vlaanderen
TIES-project: over kinderen van migranten