

Expertise in organisatie van het gezondheidszorgsysteem, specifiek mbt eerstelijnszorg, geïntegreerde zorg, ouderenzorg, chronische en palliatieve zorg. Focus op ongelijkheid van zorg, toegang tot het zorgsysteem, interprofessioneel samenwerken in de zorg, gebruik van zorg, public health benadering van zorg, health in all policies.




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Denktank UMCA (Universitair Medische Campus Antwerpen)
Expertisecentrum Palliatieve Zorg Antwerpen
Adviesraad strategisch plan gezondheid stad Antwerpen
Huidige nationaliteit(en)

Studie(s) en diploma's

Master in de sociologie
Doctor in de gezondheidswetenschappen

Huidige functieomschrijving

Hoofd onderzoekscentrum Zorg in Connectie


8 jaar onderzoekservaring.

Relevante Publicaties

Maetens A. (2020). Palliative care in illnesses other than cancer. BMJ; 370 :m2528 doi:10.1136/bmj.m2528

Maetens, A., Deliens, L., De Bleecker, J., Caraceni, A., De Ridder, M., Beernaert, K., & Cohen, J. (2019). Healthcare utilization at the end of life in people dying from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A retrospective cohort study using linked administrative data. Journal of the neurological sciences, 406, 116444. [SCI impact factor (2018): 2.651]

Maetens, A., Deliens, L., Van den Block, L., Beernaert, K., & Cohen, J. (2019). Are We Evolving Toward Greater and Earlier Use of Palliative Home Care Support? A Trend Analysis Using Population-Level Data From 2010 to 2015. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. [SCI impact factor (2017): 3.249]

Maetens A., Beernaert K., Deliens L., Gielen B. & Cohen J. (2019). Who finds the road to palliative home care support? A nationwide analysis on the use of supportive measures for palliative home care using linked administrative databases. Plos One. [SCI impact factor (2017): 2.766]

Maetens A., Beernaert K., De Schreye R., et al. (2019). Impact of palliative home care support on the quality and costs of care at the end of life: a population-level matched cohort study. BMJ Open 2019;9:e025180. [SCI impact factor (2017): 2.413]

Maetens, A., Beernaert, K., Deliens, L., Aubry, R., Radbruch, L., & Cohen, J. (2017). Policy Measures to Support Palliative Care at Home: A Cross-Country Case Comparison in Three European Countries. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 54(4), 523-529. [SCI impact factor (2017): 3.249]

Maetens, A., De Schreye, R., Faes, K., Houttekier, D., Deliens, L., Gielen, B., ... Cohen, J. (2016). Using linked administrative and disease-specific databases to study end-of-life care on a population level. BMC Palliative Care, 15(1), 86. [SCI impact factor (2017): 2.335]

Maetens, A., Cohen, J., & Harding, R. (2018). A Public Health Approach to Integrate Palliative Care into a Country’s Health-Care System: Guidance as Provided by the WHO. In Textbook of Palliative Care 2018 (pp. 1-20). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31738-0_122-1

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