

nieuwe trends in huidverzorging
genetica & huid
voeding & huid
trends in cosmetica


Zelfstandig ondernemen
Lichaams- en haarverzorging


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ik spreek beter engels dan frans


Huidige nationaliteit(en)
Nationaliteit(en) bij geboorte

Studie(s) en diploma's

Bio-ir in de cel en genbiotechnologie
Manama Moleculaire Medische Biotech
ManaMa Klinische ingenieurstechnieken
PhD biomedische wetenschappen (subspecialisatie : dermatologie)
Vlerick General Management

Huidige functieomschrijving

Auteur Het Cosmeticacomplot
Eigenaar Nomige Skincare
Consultant New Product Development voor skincare merken


Productontwikkelaar / Innovatie manager voor Omega Pharma
Consultant voor andere merken (van het wetenschappelijk onderbouwen van merken tot het ontwikkelen van nieuwe producten)
Als skincare experte gevraagd worden in allerlei pers
Spreken op wetenschappelijke en niet-wetenschappelijke congressen

Relevante Publicaties

Van Gele, M., Geusens, B., Schmitt, A.M., Aguilar, L., Lambert, J. - Knockdown of Myosin Va Isoforms by RNAi as a Tool to
Block Melanosome Transport in Primary Human Melanocytes. J. Invest. Dermat. 2008, 128(10); 2474-2484. (IF2008=5.251)
Geusens, B., Lambert, J., De Smedt, S.C., Buyens, K., Sanders, N., Van Gele, M. - Ultradeformable Cationic Liposomes for
Delivery of Small Interfering RNA (siRNA) into Human Primary Melanocytes. Journal of controlled release 2009, 133(3); 214-
220. (IF2007=5.690)
Geusens, B., Sanders, N., Prow, T., Van Gele, M., Lambert, J. - Cutaneous short-interfering RNA therapy. Expert Opinion on
Drug Delivery, 2009, 6(12); 1-17. (IF2009=3.345) Invited review
Geusens, B., Van Gele, M., Braat, S., De Smedt, S.C., Stuart, M.C.A., Prow, T., Sanchez, W., Roberts, M.S., Sanders, N.N.
and Lambert, J. - Flexible Nanosomes (SECosomes) enable efficient siRNA delivery in Cultured Primary skin cells and in the
viable epidermis of Ex Vivo Human Skin. Advanced Functional Materials. (IF2008= 6.808) In press
Lambert, J.*, Bostoen, J.*, Geusens, B., Bourgois, J., Boone, J., De Smedt, D., and Annemans, L. - A novel multidisciplinary
educational programme for patients with chronic skin diseases: Ghent pilot project and first results. Accepted for publication in
Archives of Dermatological Research (IF2010= 1.844) *Equal contribution
Geusens, B., Strobbe, T., Bracke, S., Dynoodt, P., Sanders, N.N., Van Gele, M., and Lambert, J. - Lipid-mediated Gene
Delivery to the Skin. Submitted to European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IF2008=2.608)
Geusens, B.*, Van Gele, M.*, Speeckaert, R., Dynoodt, P., Van den Bossche, K. and Lambert, J. - Development of a 3D
pigmented skin model to evaluate RNAi-induced depigmentation. Submitted to Experimental Dermatology - under review
(IF2010=3.239) *Equal contribution
Geusens, B.*, Van Gele, M.*, Bracke, S., Dynoodt, P., Thiessen, P., Sanders, N.N., and Lambert, J. - Topical application of
nanosome encapsulated siRNAs reduces and prevents UV-induced skin pigmentation in human skin explants. In preparation.
*Equal contribution
Geusens, B. , Rodrigues, L., Matias, R., Tavares, B., Fonseca, A.L., Margarida, A., Oliveira, P., Zhilivoda, D., Lagast, G. - A
Double Blinded, Randomized, Controlled Split-Face Study to Investigate the Efficacy of a Tailor-made Anti-Ageing Skin Care
Regimen Adapted to a Genetic Skin Ageing Risk Profile. J Clin Exp Dermatol Res, Vol.11 Iss.4 No:1000527
³Geusens, B., Sanders, N.N., and Lambert, J. - Cationic liposomes for delivery of high molecular weight compounds. US patent
applications (PCT), 26 June 2009 (US 61/220857)

Relevante onderzoeken

Other publications
Lambert, J., Van Gele, M., and Geusens, B. - Hyperpigmentatie. Skin, 2010, 13(3); 62-67
Geusens, B. and Libralon, F. - Genetic profiling and precision skin care: a review. HPC today. 2021

Geusens, B. - Expert opinion : “The sense and non-sense of genetic profiling for designing optimal skincare solutions” - HPC
today 2022

Books and book chapters
Geusens, B., Mollet, I., Anderson, C.D. , Terras, S., Roberts, M.S. and Lambert, J. - Changes in skin immunity with age and
disease. In: The Innate Immune System of Skin and Oral Mucosa: Properties and Impact in Pharmaceutics, Cosmetics and
Personal Care Products. Eds. Dayan, N., and Wertz, P.

Cited by
Carole Lamarque - Unfair Advantage (2018) - Nomige was mentioned as an example of strong USP

Prof Jerry Wind & Nitin Rakesh - Transformation in Times of Crisis - Eight Principles for Creating Opportunities and Value in the
Post-Pandemic World

Patent applications
Geusens, B., Sanders, N.N., and Lambert, J. - Cationic liposomes for delivery of high molecular weight compounds. US patent
applications (PCT), 26 June 2009 (US 61/220857)
Geusens, B. - Device to improve the rolling stability of a vehicle. European patent application, 31 May 2007. Appl number

Mijn media ervaring

Spreker op radio / TV
Verscheidende interviews voor kranten en magazines over onderwerpen die de huid aanbelangen : zonneschade, SPF, mythes, hypes, nieuwe producten, genen & levenssttijl,...