Aan de KU Leuven onderzoekt ze samen met drie promovendi de complexe relaties tussen het gebruik van digitale media en de ontwikkeling van jongeren vanuit een multidisciplinair perspectief. Haar onderzoek richt zich op hoe digitale ervaringen verband houden met cruciale ontwikkelingsopgaven, zoals lichaamsbeeld, seksualiteit en identiteitsontwikkeling, evenals geestelijke gezondheid. Dit omvat de ontwikkeling van theoretische kaders gebaseerd op communicatiewetenschappen en psychologie, en het gebruik van multimethodebenaderingen (bijv. focusgroepen, experimentele studies, dagelijkse dagboeken, longitudinale studies). Haar team zet zich in voor open science-praktijken.
Het onderzoek van Maes wordt ondersteund door competitieve beurzen, waaronder BOF- en FWO-financiering, en ze heeft recentelijk financiering verkregen als co-principaal onderzoeker van het prestigieuze Horizon Europe Framework Programme om gepersonaliseerde interventie- en preventieprogramma's te ontwikkelen voor kinderen met visuele beperkingen. In dit project zal ze de impact van digitale media op de identiteitsontwikkeling van jongeren met een visuele beperking onderzoeken.
Haar werk is gepubliceerd in talrijke internationale wetenschappelijke publicaties (Q1-geclassificeerde tijdschriften over vijf domeinen gedefinieerd door ISI-WOS), en ze heeft 8 boekhoofdstukken geschreven over digitale media en de ontwikkeling van jongeren. Maes heeft haar onderzoek meer dan 20 keer gepresenteerd op belangrijke internationale conferenties in communicatie en psychologie. Haar bijdragen werden recentelijk erkend met een Best Published Article award van de Children, Adolescents, and Media (CAM) Division van de ICA.
Daarnaast wordt Maes regelmatig uitgenodigd om te spreken op academische en publieke evenementen (bijv. Eetexpert, 2020; Apenstaartjaren, 2024) en is ze verschenen in diverse media, waaronder Journaal Laat, Jong Talent in Knack, De Morgen, De Standaard en de docuserie Chasing Beauty.
The International Communication Association (ICA)
Studie(s) en diploma's
Bachelor in de Communicatiewetenschappen, KU Leuven
Master in de Communicatiewetenschappen, KU Leuven
Doctor in de Communicatiewetenschappen, KU Leuven
Huidige functieomschrijving
Guest Professor - University of Antwerp, Department of Communication Studies
Postdoctoral researcher at KU Leuven - Digitalization and Youth’s Development
Wetenschappelijke output en ervaring met communicatie van mijn onderzoek in media.
Relevante Publicaties
1. Maes, C., Schreurs, L., van Oosten, J. M., & Vandenbosch, L. (2019). #(Me)too much? The role of sexualizing online media in adolescents’ resistance towards the metoo-movement and acceptance of rape myths. Journal of Adolescence, 77, 59-69. 10.1016/j.adolescence.2019.10.005.
2. Maes, C., Trekels, J., Tylka, T., & Vandenbosch, L. (2021). The Positive Body Image among Adolescents Scale (PBIAS): Conceptualization, Development, and Psychometric Evaluation among Adolescents from Belgium. Body Image, 38, 270-288. 10.1016/j.bodyim.2021.05.004.
3. Maes, C., & Vandenbosch, L. (2021). “Consent Is Sexy”: exploring the portrayal of prosocial sexuality messages in youth-oriented series. Journal of Children and Media, 1-20.
4. Maes, C., & Vandenbosch, L. (2021). Physically Distant, Virtually Close: Adolescents' Sexting Behaviors during a Strict Lockdown Period of the COVID-19 crisis. Computers in Human Behavior, 126.
5. Maes, C., & Vandenbosch, L. (2022). Adolescents’ Use of Sexually Explicit Internet Material Over the Course of 2019–2020 in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Three-wave Panel Study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51, 105–121.
6. Maes, C., Trekels, J., Impett, E., & Vandenbosch, L. (2022). The Development of the Positive Sexuality in Adolescence Scale (PSAS). Journal of Sex Research, 60(1), 45-61.
7. Maes, C., & Vandenbosch, L. (2023). “I love my body; I love it all”: Body Positivity Messages in Youth-Oriented Television Series. Mass Communication and Society, 26(1), 122-146.
8. Maes, C., & de Lenne, O. (2022). Filters and fillers: Belgian adolescents’ filter use on social media and the acceptance of cosmetic surgery. Journal of Children and Media, 1-19.
9. Maes, C., & Vandenbosch, L. (2022). Adolescent girls’ Instagram and TikTok use: Examining relations with body image-related constructs over time using random intercept cross-lagged panel models. Body Image, 41, 453-459.
10. Maes, C., Van Ouytsel, J. & Vandenbosch, L. (2023). Victim Blaming and Non-Consensual Forwarding of Sexts Among Late Adolescents and Young Adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52, 1767–1783.
11. Noon, E., Maes, C., Karsay, K., & Vandenbosch, L. (2023). Making the Good Better? Investigating the Long-term Associations Between Capitalization on Social Media and Adolescents’ Life Satisfaction. Media Psychology, 1-25.
12. Maes, C., & Vandenbosch, L. (2023). Longitudinal Relations Between Heterosexual Adolescents’ Perceived Exposure to Sex-Positive Television Messages and Their Supportive Attitudes and Behaviors Toward the LGBTQ+ Community. Communication Research.
13. Maes, C., Schwertberger, U., Rieger, D., & Vandenbosch, L. (2023). Adolescents’ Remembering of Sexual Television Narratives and their Relations with Positive Sexuality Components: A Biographic Resonance Perspective. Mass Communication and Society, 1-26.
14. Maes, C., Wright, P. J., & Vandenbosch, L. (2024). Adolescents’ Preferences for Mainstream and Paraphilic Pornography and Sexual Health Components: Attention to Within-And Between-Person Dynamics Over Time. Health Communication, 1–13.
Mijn media ervaring
1. Opinion piece about sexting for the news site of the Flemish Radio and Television Organization (VRT in Dutch) “Waarom een beeld zonder hoofd bij sexting geen oplossing is”.….
2. Interview for Humo about OnlyFans.….
3. I created an educational curriculum for secondary schools about media, body image, and sexuality in collaboration with MediaWijs, Sensoa, and Eetexpert and visited schools to give these lessons.
4. I collaborated on the children’s book “Ben ik wel normaal?” of Flemish author Danny Devos by giving advice on sexting practices about children.
5. I participated in the book launch of “Ben ik wel normaal?” during which I gave expert advice to parents and teachers during a live Q&A.
6. Invited lecture about media and body image at Kennisdag of Eetexpert.
7. My research about adolescents’ pornography uses was mentioned in several newspaper articles after Billie Eilish talked about negative outcomes of pornography use.
8. Interview for Feeling magazine about beauty ideals. The interview was published in the print version of the April (2022) issue of the magazine.
9. Interview for Caleidoscoop magazine about body image.
10. I appear as an expert on social media and body image in the docuseries Chasing Beauty: Perfectie te Koop? available on the Flemish streaming service, Streamz.
11. I served as a panel member at the 1-year anniversary event of the No Babes Agency. This modeling agency strives for a representation of different appearances in media. The event was followed by significant stakeholders in the media industry, including CEO’s of media production and advertising organizations.
12. Interview De Morgen about the uses of hyper-realistic beauty filters on TikTok.….
13. Co-creation of an online child safety policy that takes into account the youth’s healthy sexuality development with Google.
14. Podcast episode about male body positivity, recorded for the podcast series “Snapt ge mij nu?” of the Flemish Television and Radio Organization (VRT).…
15. Online article for SWAY: “Het digitale doolhof van opportuniteiten en bedreigingen: de case van Sexting”.…
16. Interview for De Morgen: “De waarheid over populair kledingmerk Brandy Melville: recht uit de sweatshop, alleen voor kleine maten”…
17. Featured in the ‘Jong Talent’ column of Knack: Jong Talent: Chelly Maes (27) maakt komaf met victimblaming mentaliteit bij sexting.…
18. Appeared on 'Journaal Laat' on the fifth of September 2024 to discuss recent regulations of Youtube regarding harmful appearance content.