

autisme, sociaal gedrag, conflict, oneens zijn, meningen, opinies, groepsgedrag, discriminatie, biases, psychologie, sociale psychologie, mentale gezondheid, fouten maken, executieve functies, neurowetenschappen, gender, vrouwen in de wetenschap, brein, EEG, fMRI, hersenscans, philosophy of mind, statistiek.




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Ik ben lid van een hele reeks internationale associaties in neurowetenschappen en cognitieve psychologie in Europa, Australië en Amerika.
Huidige nationaliteit(en)

Studie(s) en diploma's

Master in Experimentele Psychologie
Doctoraat in Neurowetenschappen: onderzoek naar sociaal gedrag in het brein, autisme, sociale psychologie.

Huidige functieomschrijving

Senior lecturer in de sociale neurowetenschappen en sociale psychologie, University of Sydney


12 jaar ervaring als (post)doctoraal onderzoeker in sociale neurowetenschappen, sociale psychologie, philosophy of mind.

Relevante Publicaties

1. Hoorens, V., Asimakopoulou, K. Deschrijver, E., Antoniszczak, D., Carlhed, C., Collyer, F., Coulson, N.S., Dubbin, L., Faulks, D., Forsyth, R., Goltsi, V., Harslof, I., Larsen, K., Manaras, I., Olczak-Kowalczyk, D., Speed, E., Willis, K., Xenou, T. & Scambler, S. (in press). Comparative Optimism, Self-Superiority, Egocentric Impact Perception and Health Information Seeking: A COVID-19 Study. Psychologica Belgica, IF 2020: 1.16; Q2

2. Goris, J., Braem, S., Van Herck, S., Deschrijver, E., Wiersema, J.R., Paton, B., Brass, M., & Todd, J. (2022). Faster model updating in autism during early sensory processing. Journal of Neuroscience, JN-RM-3088-20. IF 2020: 6.17, Q1

3. Deschrijver, E. (2021). Relational mentalizing after any representation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences (commentary), 44, e148. IF 2019: 17.33, Q1

4. Lieberoth, A., Lin, S.-Y., Stöckli, S., Han, H., Kowal, M., Gelpi, R., Chrona, S., Tran, T. P., Jeftić, A., Rasmussen, J., Cakal, H., Milfont, T.L., COVIDiSTRESS global survey consortium (2021). Stress and worry in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic: relationships to trust and compliance with preventive measures across 48 countries in the COVIDiSTRESS global survey. Royal Society Open Science, 8 (2), 200589, IF 2019: 2.51, Q1

5. Yamada, Y., Ćepulić, DB., Coll-Martín, T. et al., COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak (2021). Nature Scientific Data, 8, 3. IF 2019: 6.77, Q1

6. Asimakopoulou, K., Hoorens, V., Speed, E., Coulson, N. S., Antoniszczak, D., Collyer, F., Deschrijver, E., Dubbin, L., Faulks, .D., Forsyth, R., Goltsi, R., Harslof, I, Larsen, K., Manaras, I., Olczak-Kowalczyk, D., Willis, K., Xenou, T., Scambler, S. (2020). Comparative optimism about infection and recovery from COVID-19; implications for adherence with lockdown advice. Health Expectations, IF 2019: 2.85, Q1

7. Deschrijver, E. & Palmer, C. (2020). Reframing Social Cognition: Relational versus representational mentalising. Psychological Bulletin, 146 (11), 941-969. IF 2019: 20.85, Q1

8. Hoorens, V., Dekkers, G., & Deschrijver, E. (2020). Gender Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching: Student self-affirmation reduces the bias by rendering evaluations of male professors more negative. Sex Roles, 84 (1), 34-48. IF 2018: 2.28, Q1

9. Cracco, E., Genschow+, O., Bardi+, L., Rigoni+, D., De Coster+, L., Desmet+, C., Deschrijver+, E., Brass, M. (2019). Automatic imitation: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 144(5):453-500. IF 2015: 14.75, Q1

10. Goris, J., Braem, S., Nijhof, A., Rigoni, D., Deschrijver, E., Van De Cruys, S., Wiersema, J. R., & Brass, M. (2018). Early sensory prediciton errors are less adjusted by global context in autism spectrum disorder. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. IF 2019: 5.33, Q1

11. Vastano, R., Deschrijver, E., Brass, M. (2018). Temporal binding effect in the action observation domain: Evidence from an action-based somatosensory paradigm. Consciousness & Cognition, 60, 1-8. IF 2016: 2.14, Q2

12. De Coster, L., Wiersema, J. R., Deschrijver, E., & Brass, M. (2017). The effect of being imitated on empathy for pain in adults with high functioning autism: disturbed self-other distinction leads to altered empathic responding. Autism. IF 2015: 3.17, Q1

13. Van Damme, C., Deschrijver, E., Van Geert, E., Hoorens, V. (2017). When praising yourself insults others: Self-superiority claims provoke aggression. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43, 1008-1019. IF 2015: 2.56, Q1

14. Deschrijver, E. Wiersema, J.R. & Brass, M. (2017). Disentangling neural sources of the motor interference effect in high functioning autism: An EEG-study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-11. IF 2015: 3.49, Q1

15. Deschrijver, E., Wiersema, J.R. & Brass, M. (2017). Action-based touch observation in adults with high-functioning autism: Can compromised self-other distinction abilities link social and sensory everyday problems? Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12 (2), 273-282. IF 2015: 5.10, Q1

16. Goris, J., Braem, S., Deschrijver, E., Wiersema, R., & Brass, M. (2017). Autistic traits in the general population do not correlate with a preference for associative information. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 33, 29-38. IF 2015: 2.21, Q2

17. Deschrijver, E., Wiersema, J.R. & Brass, M. (2017). The influence of action observation on action execution: Dissociating the contribution of action on perception, perception on action, and resolving conflict. Cognitive Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-13. IF 2015: 2.88, Q1

18. Deschrijver, E., Bardi, L., Wiersema, J.R. & Brass, M. (2016). Behavioural measures of implicit theory of mind in adults with high-functioning autism. Cognitive Neuroscience, 7, 1-4. IF 2015: 2.37, Q2

19. Deschrijver, E., Wiersema, J.R. & Brass, M. (2015). The interaction between felt touch and tactile consequences of observed actions: An action-based somatosensory congruency paradigm. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(7), 1162-1172. IF 2015: 5.10, Q1

20. Fini, C., Committeri, G., Müller, B.C.N., Deschrijver, E., & Brass, M. (2015). How watching Pinocchio movies changes our subjective experience of extrapersonal space. PloS One (3), e0120306. IF 2015: 3.54, Q1

21. Desmet*, C., Deschrijver*, E., & Brass, M. (2014). How social is error observation? The neural mechanisms underlying the observation of human and machine errors. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9 (4), 427-435. IF 2014: 7.34, Q1

Relevante onderzoeken

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar sociaal gedrag in het brein bij mensen met en zonder autisme (EEG/ fMRI), nadenken over andermans opinies, disagreement / oneens zijn, groepsgedrag, gender backlash in academia, discriminatie, bias in academia, self superiority bias.

Mijn media ervaring

Voormalig hoofd curatieteam van TEDxGhent, voormalig core member van TEDxSydney.
Jaarprijs wetenschapscommunicatie van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten in 2014.

Bijkomende links naar interviews met De Morgen, Radio 1, Artsenkrant, EOS Magazine, STEM Women Australia zijn te vinden in de sectie 'Pers' op mijn website.




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