

Delirium, blended learning, zorgkundigen, statistische geletterdheid




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Onderwijscommissie Verpleeg- en Vroedkunde
Vice-voorzitter MaVVerAnt alumni (alumni van de masteropleiding Verpleeg- en vroedlunde
Nederlandstalig Platform voor Surveyonderzoek (NPSO)
International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR)
European Delirium Association (EDA)
Huidige nationaliteit(en)
Nationaliteit(en) bij geboorte
Nationaliteit(en) moeder bij geboorte
Nationaliteit(en) vader bij geboorte
Wordt u op de een of andere manier in uw dagelijkse activiteiten beperkt of gehinderd door een langdurige ziekte, een handicap o

Studie(s) en diploma's

January 2016 – present
PhD in Medical Sciences • University of Antwerp
Title: Delirium with Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities
September 2023
Nurses and Interprofessional Pharmaceutical Care • An interprofessional, integrated, evidence-based approach in pharmaceutical care
Antwerp Summer University • Nurse and Pharmaceutical Care (NuPhaC)
August 2022
Link EDU-RES PhD summer school in transferrable skills • Yerun network
University of Essex • Proficio department
September 2014 – September 2015
Pedagogical aptitude certificate • CVO Antwerp
Degree: great distinction
September 2011 – September 2014
Master of Science in Nursing and Midwifery • University of Antwerp
Degree: great distinction
Price for most academic master thesis
Student Representative
September 2009 – September 2010
Bachelor in Intensive Care and Emergency Care • Thomas Moore
September 2007 – September 2009
Bachelor of Science in Nursing • Karel De Grote Hogeschool
Second and third year
Degree: great distinction
September 2007 – September 2008
Bachelor of Science in Nursing • Erasmushogeschool Brussels
First year

Huidige functieomschrijving

Op UAntwerpen ben ik onderzoeker met een expertise in delirium en blended learning en voor de master Verpleegkunde en Vroedkunde ben ik de stagecoördinator. Mijn ervaring in onderzoek deel ik met de studenten van de afstudeerrichting "Onderzoeker in Gezondheid en Zorg” van de master Verpleegkunde en Vroedkunde, waar ik ook betrokken ben bij de lessen wetenschappelijk onderzoek en masterproefbegeleiding.

Daarnaast ben ik de Statistical Literacy Coordinator bij Statbel, het Belgisch statistiekbureau.


November 2022 – present
Health Service Researcher / Data-analyst • Federal Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE)
February 2017 – present
Internship coordinator & Teaching Assistant • University of Antwerp
Teaching assistant in scientific research at the faculty Medicine and Health Sciences. Since September 2023 Internship Coordinator for the Master of Science in Nursing and Midwifery.
November 2017 – October 2022
Data-analyst • Statistics Belgium
Social Statistics • Responsible for the Household Budget Survey (HBS) and Time Use Survey (TUS), Project coordinator SOURCETM and CRŒSS, participant ESSnet Trusted Smart Surveys.
March 2016 – October 2017
Audit & reform VG-MZG • Federal Public Service Health
From May 2017 I was the head of service.
September 2013 – February 2016
Teacher • Sint-Aloysiusinstituut voor verpleegkunde
Nurse • Independent

Relevante Publicaties

Sabbe K, van der Mast R, Dilles T, Van Rompaey B. Validation of the Delirium Observation Screening Scale in long-term care facilities in Flanders. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2024 Jun;24(6):619-625. doi: 10.1111/ggi.14878. Epub 2024 Apr 16. PMID: 38624223.
Sabbe K, Van Der Mast R, Van Rompaey B. Delirium in Home Care: A Case Report. Cureus. 2023 Oct 16;15(10):e47094. doi: 10.7759/cureus.47094. PMCID: PMC10646439.
Dilles T, Mortelmans L, Loots E, Sabbe K, Feyen H, Wauters M, Haegdorens F, De Baetselier E. People-centered care and patients' beliefs about medicines and adherence: A cross-sectional study. Heliyon. 2023 May 2;9(5):e15795. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e15795. PMID: 37251820; PMCID: PMC10208933.
Sabbe K, Aerts N, van der Mast R, Van Rompaey B. Certified Nursing Assistants' Perspectives on Delirium Care. J Gerontol Nurs. 2023 Feb;49(2):43-51. doi: 10.3928/00989134-20230106-07. Epub 2023 Feb 1. PMID: 36719657.
Sabbe K, van der Mast R, Dilles T, Van Rompaey B. The prevalence of delirium in belgian nursing homes: a cross-sectional evaluation. BMC Geriatr. 2021 Nov 6;21(1):634. doi: 10.1186/s12877-021-02517-y. Erratum in: BMC Geriatr. 2021 Dec 1;21(1):673. PMID: 34742251; PMCID: PMC8571852.
Van Rompaey B, Sabbe K, Dilles T, van den Boogaard M. Delirium, introduction to a confused mind. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2018 Aug;47:1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.iccn.2018.06.003. PMID: 29914652.
Sabbe, K., Loots, E., van der Mast, R., & Van Rompaey, B. (2024). Consolidated dataset of a pre-post study to test an interactive blended learning approach for delirium management in Belgian Nursing Homes [Data set]. Zenodo.
Sabbe, K., van der Mast, R., & Van Rompaey, B. (2024). Dataset from the second wave of a pre-post study to test an interactive blended learning tool for delirium management in Belgian Nursing Homes by measuring delirium knowledge and evaluation of the tool [Data set]. Zenodo.
Sabbe, K., Loots, E., van der Mast, R., & Van Rompaey, B. (2024). Dataset from the first wave of a pre-post study to test an interactive blended learning tool for delirium management in Belgian Nursing Homes by measuring delirium knowledge and strain of care for delirium [Data set]. Zenodo.
Sabbe, K., Dilles, T., van der Mast, R., & Van Rompaey, B. (2024). Dataset to determine the prevalence of delirium in belgian nursing homes by a cross-sectional evaluation [Data set]. In BMC Geriatr. (1.0, Vol. 21, Number 1, p. 634). Zenodo.
Sabbe, K., Van Rompaey, B., van der Mast, R., & Dilles, T. (2024). Dataset for the validation of the Delirium Observation Screening Scale in long-term care facilities in Flanders [Data set]. In Geriatr Gerontol Int.: Vol. Online ahead of print (1.0). Zenodo.
As author
Van Ginckel Ans, de Meester Christophe, Vinck Imgard, Sabbe Kelly, Antunes Mendes Julien, Louis Pierre-Alexandre, Castanares-Zapatero Diego, Eyssen Marijke. The right to be forgotten and outstanding balance insurance: a proposition for type 1 diabetes. Right to be forgotten. Brussels. Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). 2024. KCE Reports 387C. DOI: 10.57598/R386C.
As author
Primus-de Jong C., Sabbe K., Stordeur S. Ontwikkeling van een reeks kwaliteitsindicatoren om de kwaliteit te bewaken van de zorg die wordt verleend door pediatrische multidisciplinaire obesitascentra (PMOC). Health Services Research (HSR). Brussels: Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE). 2023. KCE Reports 372, from…

As internal reviewer
Gerkens Sophie, Lefèvre Mélanie, Bouckaert Nicolas, Levy Muriel, Maertens de Noordhout Charline, Obyn Caroline, Devos Carl, Scohy Aline, Vlayen Annemie, Yaras Harun, Janssens Christophe, Meeus Pascal. Performance of the Belgian health system: Report 2024. Health Services Research (HSR). Brussels. Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). 2024. KCE Reports 376C. DOI: 10.57598/R376C., from…

As internal reviewer
Camberlin C, Obyn C, Neyt M. Transversal Budget Impact Analysis. Method. Brussels: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). 2023. KCE Reports 369. D/2023/10.273/16, from

Minnen, J., Olsen, J., & Sabbe, K. (2022). CROESS: Establishing a Cross-domain data collection platform for the ESS (European Statistical System). Statistics Belgium, Destatis, hbits CV and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Retrieved June 18, 2023, from…

Minnen, J., Nagel, E. & Sabbe, K. (2020). SOURCE TM: Software Outreach and Redefinition to Collect E-data Through MOTUS. Towards a Modular Online Time Use Survey. Statistics Belgium, Destatis, hbits CV and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Retrieved June 18, 2023, from…

OECD (2023), Measuring Population Mental Health, OECD Publishing, Paris,
I was a participant of the project organized for national statistical offices.
Sabbe, K., Van Droogenbroeck, M., Pironet, E. (2022). Investeren in de eerste helft van je leven: Hoe je de fundamenten legt voor een (bijna) zorgeloos leven en een (flink) spaarpotje - Hoofdstuk 10 - Eerste keer geld uitgeven, Terra - Lannoo, Uitgeverij, 397p. (271 – 295). ISBN 978 94 014 8585 2
Sabbe, K., Van Rompaey, B. (2017). Het delirium op IZ: Nog steeds intensief verward?, Jaarboek voor de intensievezorgenverpleegkundige, ACCO, 14p. (103 - 117). ISBN 978 94 6344 248 0
Sabbe, K. (2022). Towards a Modular Online Time Use Survey. Statbel. Retrieved June 18, 2023, from…

Sabbe, K., Storms, V., Ampe, M. (2022). Enquête sur le budget des ménages 2020 – Note méthodologique. Statbel. Retrieved June 18, 2023, from…

Sabbe, K., Delclite, T., Geenens, G. (2021). Change in the duration of the household budget survey: analysis of a transition to 15 days. Statbel. Retrieved June 18, 2023, from…

Sabbe, K., Storms, V., Vanderhoeft, C. (2020). Enquête sur le budget des ménages 2018 - Note méthodologique. Statbel. Retrieved June 18, 2023, from…

Sabbe, K., Storms, V., Vanderhoeft, C. (2019). Enquête sur le budget des ménages 2016 - Note méthodologique. Statbel. Retrieved June 18, 2023, from…

Sabbe, K., Thieren, C., D’Havé, A. (2017). Codeerhandleiding VG-MZG – 2017 – Officiële versie 2.0. FOD VVVL. Retrieved June 19, 2023 from…

Sabbe, K., Thieren, C., D’Havé, A. (2017). Itemskaart VG-MZG. FOD VVVL. Retrieved June 19, 2023 from…

Sabbe, K., Thieren, C., D’Havé, A. (2017). VG-MZG itemskaart omzetting van 1.6 naar 2.0. FOD VVVL. Retrieved June 19, 2023 from…

Sabbe, K., Thieren, C., D’Havé, A. (2017). VG-MZG itemskaart omzetting van 1.6 naar 2.0 uitlegdocument. FOD VVVL. Retrieved June 19, 2023 from…

Sabbe, K., Braspenning, M., Franck, E. (2014). Eigenwaarde als voorspellende factor voor kwetsbaarheid voor stress, burn-out en symptomen van depressie bij studenten verpleegkunde en vroedkunde. Universiteit Antwerpen. Antwerpen. Retrieved June 21, 2023 from

Sabbe, K., Nienka, E., Minnen, J. (2019). Modernisation of data collection for time use surveys. Eurostat. doi: 10.2785/223529. ISBN: 978-92-79-99545-3. Product code: KS-01-19-066. Retrieved June 19, 2023, from

CRIC Symposium, Antwerp, 25/04/2024
Title: Delirium with residents in long-term care facilities
CARE4, Antwerp, 5-6/02/2024
International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference – Navigating the future of Healthcare: Nurses and Midwives as Drivers for Change -
Title: Developing a set of quality indicators to monitor the quality of care delivered by Paediatric Multidisciplinary Obesity Centres - What are possible ways nurses can participate in guarding the Quality of Care?
CARE4, Antwerp, 5-6/02/2024
International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference – Navigating the future of Healthcare: Nurses and Midwives as Drivers for Change -
Title: Delirium with residents in long-term care facilities
NTTS, Brussels, 07-09/03/2023
Conference on New Techniques and Technologies for official Statistics – Innovative data collection in Social Statistics –…
Title: CRŒSS: A cross-domain data collection platform for the ESS
CARE4, Gent, 1-2/02/2022
International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference – Technology in Healthcare and Education -
Title: Residents with a delirium in a nursing home – the vision of nurse assistants
IATUR, Barcelona, 27-29/10/2021
International Association for Time Use Research -(IATUR vzw) – 43rd International Association for Time Use Research Conference.
Title: BTUS 2022/2023 – The Belgian Time Use Survey
Title: SOURCETM – Software Outreach and Redefinition to Collect E data Through MOTUS – Towards a Modular Online Time Use Survey
Title: CRŒSS – Establishing a cross-domain data collection platform for the ESS
NTTS, Brussels, 09-11/03/2021
Conference on New Techniques and Technologies for official Statistics – Innovative data collection tools and methods in social statistics –
Title: SOURCETM - Software Outreach and Redefinition to Collect E-data Through MOTUS: Towards a Modular Online Time Use Survey
NuPhaC dag, 17/09/2020
Title: Doctoraatsonderzoek: Delirium bij bewoners in woonzorgcentra
STOPdoc, 11/06/2019
Title: Doctoraatsonderzoek: Delirium bij bewoners in woonzorgcentra
IATUR, Washington, 10-12/07/2019
International Association for Time Use Research -(IATUR vzw) – 41st International Association for Time Use Research Conference.
Title: A concrete example of ongoing work in Belgium and Germany on modernization – The SOURCETM project
Antwerp, 13/05/2019
Interim presentation to the deanery
Title: Delirium with residents in long-term care facilities
Collen Franqui, Antwerp, 09/05/2019
Collen-Francqui Chair Sabina De Geest –…
Title: Delirium with residents in long-term care facilities, implementation of blended learning
CARE4, Leuven, 4-6/02/2019
International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference – High Quality Care4 the Future: Nurses and Midwives Taking the Lead –…
Title: The influence of blended learning on the knowledge of healthcare workers in long-term care facilities (LTCFs)
NTTS, Brussels, 11-15/03/2019
Conference on New Techniques and Technologies for official Statistics –…
Title: Modernisation of time-use data collection in EU Member States. A concrete use case: the Belgian way
EDA, Utrecht, 1-2/11/2018
13th Annual Meeting of the European Delirium Association (EDA) –…
Title: The link between delirium knowledge and healthcare workers’ strain of care in long-term care facilities (LTCFs)
Investén-isciii, Cordoba, 14-17/11/2018
International Healthcare Research Conference
Title: Blended learning about delirium for health care workers in long-term care facilities and the influence on the strain of care
IATUR, Budapest, 23-26/10/2018
International Association for Time Use Research -(IATUR vzw) – 40th International Association for Time Use Research Conference.
Title: LFS & TUS: How long do we work?
ADA, Melbourne, 5-7/09/2018
Australasian Delirium Association (ADA) – DECLARED 2018 – Delirium Clinical and Research Days –…
Title: Delirium with residents in long-term care facilities in Flanders, Belgium
EDA, Oslo, 16-17/11/2017
12th Annual Meeting of the European Delirium Association (EDA) –…
Title: Validation of the Delirium Observation Screening Scale in long-term care facilities in Flanders
IATUR, Washington, 10-12/07/2019
International Association for Time Use Research -(IATUR vzw) – 41st International Association for Time Use Research Conference.
Title: Poster 1 — Modernisation of data collection for time use surveys
Title: Poster 2 — Modernisation of data collection for time use surveys

NTTS, Brussels, 11-15/03/2019
Conference on New Techniques and Technologies for official Statistics –…
Title: Poster 1 — Modernisation of data collection for time use surveys
Title: Poster 2 — Modernisation of data collection for time use surveys

CARE4, Leuven, 4-6/02/2019
International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference – High Quality Care4 the Future: Nurses and Midwives Taking the Lead –…
Title: The prevalence of delirium in Flemish long-term care facilities (LTCFs) as assessed with the Delirium Observation Screening Scale (DOSS)
Title: The link between delirium knowledge and care strain for healthcare workers in long-term care facilities (LTCF’s)
Title: The development of blended learning about delirium for healthcare workers in long-term care facilities (LTCFs)
EDA, Utrecht, 1-2/11/2018
13th Annual Meeting of the European Delirium Association (EDA) –…
Title: The development of blended learning about delirium for healthcare workers in long-term care facilities (LTCFs)
Title: The influence of blended learning on the knowledge about delirium of healthcare workers in long-term care facilities (LTCFs)
Title: The strain healthcare workers experience in caring for patients with delirium in long-term care facilities
IATUR, Budapest, 23-26/10/2018
International Association for Time Use Research -(IATUR vzw) – 40th International Association for Time Use Research Conference.
Title: Different waves of Time Use Surveys in Belgium
ADA, Melbourne, 5-7/09/2018
Australasian Delirium Association (ADA) – DECLARED 2018 – Delirium Clinical and Research Days –…
Title: The development of blended learning about delirium for healthcare workers in long-term care facilities
Title: The influence of blended learning on the knowledge about delirium of healthcare workers in long-term care facilities
EDA, Oslo, 16-17/11/2017
12th Annual Meeting of the European Delirium Association (EDA) –…
Title: The prevalence of delirium in Flemish long-term care facilities as assessed with the Delirium Observation Screening Scale
CARE4, Antwerp, 8-10/02/2017
International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Congress – Interdisciplinary Care in Transition: Working Apart Together
Title: Self-esteem as a predictor of vulnerability to stress, burn-out and symptoms of depression in nursing students
Grant - Awarded June 2021
CROESS – Establishing a Cross-domain data collection platform for the ESS B5460-2020-INNOVTOOLS-HBS-TUS)
Total funding – EUR 355,043
Funding agency – ESTAT EUROPEAN COMMISSION European Statistics
Grant reference – ESTAT-2020-PA7-F-INNOVTOOLS-HBS-TUS
Research institutions – hbits CV, University of Antwerp
Principal investigators – Kelly Sabbe, Joeri Minnen
Co-investigators – Jerome Olsen
Secondary institutions – Federal Statistical Office of Germany - Statistisches Bundesamt
Grant - Awarded January 2019
SOURCETM – Software outreach and redefinition to collect e-data through an online tool (B2972-2018-INNOV-HBS-TUS)
Total funding – EUR 138,137
Funding agency – ESTAT EUROPEAN COMMISSION European Statistics
Grant reference – ESTAT-PA7-2018-2-1
Research institution – Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Principal investigators – Kelly Sabbe, Joeri Minnen
Co-investigators – Elke Nagel
Secondary institutions – Federal Statistical Office of Germany - Statistisches Bundesamt
Grant – Awarded November 2018
Financiële Ondersteuning voor Dienstverleningsprojecten
Total funding – EUR 10,000
Funding agency – University of Antwerp
Research institution – University of Antwerp
Principal investigators – Kelly Sabbe
Co-investigators – Bart Van Rompaey
Awarded November 2018
Best poster presentation EDA Utrecht 2018: The development of blended learning about delirium for healthcare workers in long-term care facilities (LTCFs)
Awarded September 2014
Most academic thesis: Eigenwaarde als voorspellende factor voor kwetsbaarheid voor stress, burn-out en symptomen van depressie bij studenten verpleegkunde en vroedkunde
Mysterie van de dag: waarom worden ouderen soms 'verward'? 02/08/19 om 09:22

September 2014
De Vlaamse Scriptiebank: Eigenwaarde als voorspellende factor voor kwetsbaarheid voor stress, burn-out en symptomen van depressie bij studenten

Relevante onderzoeken

Delirium bij bewoners in woonzorgcentra
Ontwikkeling van een reeks kwaliteitsindicatoren om de kwaliteit te bewaken van de zorg die wordt verleend door pediatrische multidisciplinaire obesitascentra (PMOC)
Het recht om vergeten te worden: voorstellen voor diabetes type 1
Hervorming van de VG-MZG

Mijn media ervaring

Mysterie van de dag: waarom worden ouderen soms 'verward'? 02/08/19 om 09:22
De Vlaamse Scriptiebank: Eigenwaarde als voorspellende factor voor kwetsbaarheid voor stress, burn-out en symptomen van depressie bij studenten