Trefwoorden: pesticiden, Green Deal, voedselveiligheid, milieu, duurzame landbouw, biologische versus gangbare landbouw, biociden (niet-landbouw bestrijdingsmiddelen)
HGR Hoge Gezondheidsraad (ad hoc expert pesticiden)
IUPAC (globale chemievereniging)
NAPAN (Nationaal Actie Plan, Plan d'Action Nationale - overheidsactie vermindering pesticiden)
AGROLINK (Vlaams netwerk voor landbouwonderzoeksinstituten - voorzitter geintegreerde gewasbeschermings platform)
Studie(s) en diploma's
Doctoraat Bio-ir wetenschappen
Huidige functieomschrijving
Prof UGent
20 jaar onderzoek rond gewasbeschermingsmiddelen (pesticiden)
Relevante Publicaties
Fevery, Davina, Michael Houbraken, and Pieter Spanoghe. 2016. “Pressure of Non-professional Use of Pesticides on Operators, Aquatic Organisms and Bees in Belgium.” Science of the Total Environment 550: 514–521. Impact factor: 3.976, category: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, rank: 32/225, quartile: 1
Houbraken, Michael, Thomas Spranghers, Patrick De Clercq, Margot Cooreman-Algoed, Tasmien Couchement, Griet De Clercq, Sarah Verbeke, and Pieter Spanoghe. 2016. “Pesticide Contamination of Tenebrio Molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) for Human Consumption.” Food Chemistry 201: 264–269. Impact factor: 4.052, category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, rank: 7/125, quartile: 1
Houbraken, Michael, Valens Habimana, David Senaeve, Edelbis López Dávila, and Pieter Spanoghe. 2017. “Multi-residue Determination and Ecological Risk Assessment of Pesticides in the Lakes of Rwanda.” Science of the Total Environment 576: 888–894. Impact factor: 3.976, category: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, rank: 32/225, quartile: 1
Keikotlhaile, BM, Spanoghe, P & Steurbaut, W. Effects of food processing on pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables: A meta-analysis approach. FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY (2010) VOL. 48 p.1-6 (Impact factor 2009: 2.114, ISI ranking ‘food science & technology 22/118)
Yewhalaw, D, Wassie, F, Steurbaut, W, Spanoghe, P, Van Bortel, W, Denis, L, Tessema, DA, Getachew, Y, Coosemans, M, Duchateau, L & Speybroeck, N. Multiple Insecticide Resistance: An Impediment to Insecticide-Based Malaria Vector Control Program. PLOS ONE (2011) VOL. 6. (Impact factor 2009: 4.351, ISI ranking’biology’ 10/76)
Mijn media ervaring
Diverse krantenartikels - Universiteit Vlaanderen - TV duidingsprogramma's - Radio-interviews