

Als milieu-economie concentreert mijn onderzoek zich vooral op:
- ontwerp en evaluatie van milieu- en natuurbeleid
- waardering van milieu en natuur
- duurzame consumptie
- bestraffing en preventie van milieucriminaliteit


Economie / Financiën
Samenleving / Maatschappij
Milieu en natuur


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Wetenschappelijke adviescommissie INBO

Studie(s) en diploma's


  • KU Leuven, Handelsingenieur (1997)
  • KU Leuven, Master of science in economics (1999)
  • KU Leuven, Doctoraat economie (2005)


Huidige functieomschrijving

  • professor milieu-economie



  • Docent, KU Leuven @ HUBrussel (1997-2014)
  • Professor (hoofddocent), KU Leuven (2014-...)


Relevante Publicaties

Selectie van publicaties:

  • Billiet, C.M., Earnhart, D. and S. Rousseau (forthcoming, 2018). Sanctioning of environmental crime in the European Union: The case of Flanders, Belgium. Crime, Law and Social Change. (doi: 10.1007/s10611-018-9772-0)
  • Rousseau, S. (2018, forthcoming). De waardering van schade aan fauna, flora en biotopen. In: Billiet, C.M. & C.H. Born (eds.). In Vlaamse savannes en Waalse regenwouden. Biodiversiteitsmisdrijven in eigen land. Die Keure.

  • Huysegoms, L., Rousseau, S. and V. Cappuyns (2018). Friends or foes? Monetized life cycle assessment and cost benefit analysis of the site remediation of a former gas plant. Science of the Total Environment, vol. 619-620, p. 258-271.  (Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.330)

  • Poelmans, E. and S. Rousseau (2017). Beer and organic labels: Do Belgian consumers care? Sustainability, vol. 9(9), p.1509-1523 (doi: 10.3390/su9091509)

  • Rousseau, S. and R. Rousseau (2017). Being metric-wise: Heterogeneity in bibliometric knowledge. El Profesional de la Información, vol. 26(3), p. 480-487 (doi: 10.3145/epi.2017.may.14)

  • Arguedas, C., Earnhart, D. and S. Rousseau (2017). Non-uniform implementation of uniform standards. Journal of Regulatory Economics, vol.51(2), p.159-183  (doi:  10.1007/s11149-017-9321-2)

  • Poelmans, E. and S. Rousseau (2016). How do chocolate lovers balance taste and ethical considerations? British Food Journal, vol.118(2), p.343-361. (Doi: 10.1108/BFJ-06-2015-0208)

  • Rousseau, S. and R. Rousseau (2015). Metric-wiseness. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 66(11), p.2389. Letter to the editor. (Doi:10.1002/asi.23558)

  • Delhaye, E., Proost, S. and S. Rousseau (2015). Catching or Fining Speeders. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, vol.49(3), p.415-437 

  • Rousseau, S. (2015). The role of organic and fair trade labels when choosing chocolate. Food Quality and Preference, vol. 44, p. 92-100 (Doi: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2015.04.002)

  • Cappuyns, V., Deweirt, V. and S. Rousseau (2015). Dredged sediments as a resource for brick production: Possibilities and barriers from a consumer's perspective. Waste Management, vol. 38, p. 372-380. (Doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2014.12.025)

  • Blondiau, T., Billiet, C.M. and S. Rousseau (2015). Comparison of criminal and administrative penalties for environmental offenses. European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 39(1), p. 11-35.  (Doi: 10.1007/s10657-014-9473-9)

  • Franck, M., Eyckmans, J., De Jaeger, S. and S. Rousseau (2015). Comparing the impact of road noise on property prices in two separated markets. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, vol. 4(2), p. 15-44.  (Doi: 10.1080/21606544.2014.951399)

  • Billiet, C.M. and S. Rousseau (2014). How real is the threat of imprisonment for environmental crime? European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 37(2), p.183-198.  (Doi: 10.1007/s10657-011-9267-2)

  • Franck, M., J. Eyckmans and S. Rousseau (2013). Valuating noise reduction benefits with hedonics: Heterogeneity in NDSIs from road noise. Review of Business and Economics Literature, vol. 58(1), p.2-33

  • Rousseau, S. and L. Vranken (2013). Green market expansion by reducing information asymmetries: Evidence for labeled organic food products. Food Policy, vol.40, p.31-43  (Doi: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2013.01.006)

  • Eyckmans, J., De Jaeger, S. and S. Rousseau (2013). Hedonic valuation of odor nuisance using field measurements - a case study of an animal waste processing facility in Flanders. Land Economics, vol.89(1), p.53-75. (DOI: 10.1353/lde.2013.0007)

  • Claus, K. and S. Rousseau (2012). Public versus private incentives to invest in green roofs: A cost benefit analysis for Flanders. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, vol.11(4), p.417-425.  (Doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2012.07.003)

  • Billiet, C.M. en S. Rousseau (2012). Milieucriminaliteit: waardering van wederrechtelijk verworven vermogensvoordelen. Rechtskundig Weekblad, vol.76(13), p.482-499

  • Billiet, C.M., T. Blondiau and S. Rousseau (2011). Milieucriminaliteit in het beleid van de strafrechter: bestraffen tussen Haus en Brundtland. Rechtskundig Weekblad, vol. 74(22), p.898-931

  • Billiet, C.M., S. Rousseau, A. Balcaen en R. Meeus (2010). Minnelijke schikkingen voor milieumisdrijven in Vlaanderen. Panopticon, vol. 31(4), 78-84

  • Billiet, C.M., T. Vander Beken, S. Rousseau, A. Balcaen, R. Meeus, K. Styns, G. De Meyer en L. Lavrysen (2009). Milieucriminaliteit: feiten omtrent bestraffing. Panopticon, vol. 30(3), 69-75

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